With the June retirement of veteran Town Manager Bill Smith, and in anticipation of the search for a new administrator, an exploratory committee of residents is proposing that Granby re-evaluate the opportunity to form a Granby Ethics Commission (GEC). It would address citizens’ concerns using the recommended structure outlined in the Connecticut General Statutes established by the state Ethics Commission. The neighboring towns of Suffield, Simsbury, Farmington, West Hartford and a number of others in Hartford County have such a committee.
While it is understood that the Town Manager, as an employee, has authority and control of Granby’s municipal departments and relative budgets, and reports to the elected officials of the Board of Selectman, there are areas where a concerned opinion or a “peoples’ voice” does not have consistent direct input other than the election of BOS members every two years. It has been established in other towns that when issues arise from the misuse of department budget funds, town equipment/services/maintenance materials, mid-contract period union hiring practices and, most importantly, access to information without resorting to a Freedom of Information process, an ethics commission offers an opportunity to voice such concerns. However, Granby does not have that option because we do not have an Ethics Commission.
Thus, we are asking all voting age residents of Granby to go to: www.granbytaxpayers.org and anonymously complete a survey, add comments and acquire contact information should you wish to do so. As taxpayers, we not only have the right to maintain vigilance in these areas, but it is our responsibility to do so as individuals, business owners, town residents and for our families and neighbors. Take a positive step to be involved to protect our mill rate and your pocketbook.
Submitted by The Granby Ethics
Exploratory Committee
While it is understood that the Town Manager, as an employee, has authority and control of Granby’s municipal departments and relative budgets, and reports to the elected officials of the Board of Selectman, there are areas where a concerned opinion or a “peoples’ voice” does not have consistent direct input other than the election of BOS members every two years. It has been established in other towns that when issues arise from the misuse of department budget funds, town equipment/services/maintenance materials, mid-contract period union hiring practices and, most importantly, access to information without resorting to a Freedom of Information process, an ethics commission offers an opportunity to voice such concerns. However, Granby does not have that option because we do not have an Ethics Commission.
Thus, we are asking all voting age residents of Granby to go to: www.granbytaxpayers.org and anonymously complete a survey, add comments and acquire contact information should you wish to do so. As taxpayers, we not only have the right to maintain vigilance in these areas, but it is our responsibility to do so as individuals, business owners, town residents and for our families and neighbors. Take a positive step to be involved to protect our mill rate and your pocketbook.
Submitted by The Granby Ethics
Exploratory Committee