Valley Brook Presents Scout Awards
On Sunday, March 1, Valley Brook Community Church presented awards to several local scouts. Jim Works, a member at Valley Brook and a scout leader, presented religious awards to two local scouts: Ben Yoder and Joseph Gron. Both Ben and Joseph received the “God and Life” award that represents a completion of both a course of study and activities. Joseph was also recognized as a scout who had completed all four components of the Boy Scout religious awards: “God and Me;” “God and Family;” “God and Church;” and “God and Life.”
Scout leader Jim Works was also surprised when he was presented with “The Good Shepherd” award that is given to scout leaders who show meritorious service in working with youth in the church and in the scouts. Pastor Clark Pfaff remarked, “We are grateful to Jim for the way he has shepherded so many scouts through the religious awards of different scouting programs. Jim has been a tremendous teacher helping Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts learn about God and faith and receive their organization’s religious awards. We are proud of the accomplishments of all our scouts and scout leaders.”
Valley Brook continues to hold service on Sunday mornings at 9:30 a.m. at the Granby Memorial High School Auditorium, located at 315 Salmon Brook Street, Granby. The church offers a nursery for infants through age two, and grade specific classes for children and youth. Valley Brook’s vision is “Love God. Love People. Change the World.” For more information about the church, contact the office at 860-844-0001 or visit at
On Sunday, March 1, Valley Brook Community Church presented awards to several local scouts. Jim Works, a member at Valley Brook and a scout leader, presented religious awards to two local scouts: Ben Yoder and Joseph Gron. Both Ben and Joseph received the “God and Life” award that represents a completion of both a course of study and activities. Joseph was also recognized as a scout who had completed all four components of the Boy Scout religious awards: “God and Me;” “God and Family;” “God and Church;” and “God and Life.”
Scout leader Jim Works was also surprised when he was presented with “The Good Shepherd” award that is given to scout leaders who show meritorious service in working with youth in the church and in the scouts. Pastor Clark Pfaff remarked, “We are grateful to Jim for the way he has shepherded so many scouts through the religious awards of different scouting programs. Jim has been a tremendous teacher helping Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts learn about God and faith and receive their organization’s religious awards. We are proud of the accomplishments of all our scouts and scout leaders.”
Valley Brook continues to hold service on Sunday mornings at 9:30 a.m. at the Granby Memorial High School Auditorium, located at 315 Salmon Brook Street, Granby. The church offers a nursery for infants through age two, and grade specific classes for children and youth. Valley Brook’s vision is “Love God. Love People. Change the World.” For more information about the church, contact the office at 860-844-0001 or visit at