About Town
March came in like a lion
The winter months have been mostly mild this year, but we seemed to make up for the lack of snowfall in March. A few big storms late in the season reminded us of what winter in New England is like.
Granby Drummer (https://granbydrummer.com/category/town/about-town/page/2/)
The winter months have been mostly mild this year, but we seemed to make up for the lack of snowfall in March. A few big storms late in the season reminded us of what winter in New England is like.
One of the benefits of writing an article for our local paper every month is that I get to share some insight with residents about what is going on behind the scenes at Town Hall and the work being done in our departments to keep things running smoothly. This month I wanted to highlight the good work being done at the Granby Police Department (GPD).
As we see continued progress on the Granby Center intersection project, I thought it would be helpful to provide information about the project and what you can expect for the upcoming construction season.
In 2019 Granby residents authorized two capital projects for bonding authority. The June 4, 2019, referendum supported both a Bridges Project and a School Project.
While writing this article, I found myself reflecting on the recent tragedy in Bristol. Bristol lost two young police officers in a heinous ambush. The nightmare that the Bristol Police Department, the families of the fallen officers, and all those who love a man or woman in blue find themselves in is heartbreaking.
Life is a Highway claims the once top hit by Rascal Flatts. But Granby roads are not highways. Whether you live on a “cut through” street or a cul-de-sac, speeding probably affects you.