New initiative: School Resource Officer

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In December, Granby Police Chief Scott Sansom and the Superintendent of Schools proposed that the board of education consider adding a School Resource Officer (SRO) to Granby Public Schools for the 2025-26 school year. An SRO is a sworn law enforcement officer who works full-time in a school setting to enhance the safety of students and staff. The goals of this position are to:

• Create and maintain a safe school environment

• Establish a cooperative relationship with students, staff, parents and police

• Prevent juvenile delinquency

•Promote positive interactions between students and police officers

We believe this initiative will have a lasting, positive impact on our school community. We invite you to review information at to learn more about this proposal and watch the presentation from the Dec. 4 BOE meeting at

We recently surveyed parents, students, staff and community members to gather valuable feedback about this position. More than 700 people responded to the survey and more than 80 percent of the respondents indicated a School Resource Officer would be beneficial to the school district and were willing to increase the budget to support this initiative. You can learn more about the proposed SRO program at the Feb. 5, BOE Meeting.

Plus One Budget Proposal

On Dec. 18, the Plus One Budget for 2025-26 school year was presented to the Granby Board of Education. The Plus One Budget provides a snapshot of the fiscal needs for Granby Public Schools, enrollment projections, general assumptions and predicted staffing and program changes required by state and federal government to meet the educational and social needs of our students.

This budget provides a preliminary look at the administration’s initial priorities, planning and challenges. In FY26, our financial challenges include the rising cost of utilities, contractual obligations and the increase in expenses related to unfunded state mandates; however, the district staff has worked diligently to realize efficiencies wherever possible while continuing to move the district toward the achievement of the vision of Granby Public Schools.

The projected Plus One Budget request for 2025-26 is 5.67 percent over current operating costs. New initiatives for FY26 include an SRO, certified reading intervention and full-time groundskeeper and maintenance technician. The district will face a number of budget challenges in FY26 including unfunded state mandates such as a K–3 Reading Program, required HVAC testing and a revised teacher evaluation plan. In addition, just as you are experiencing increases in your household budgets, the school district is challenged by inflation rates and rising costs of fuel, electricity and general supplies.

First grade students practice their posture with violins.
Ms. Belanger’s third grade class works on mathematical thinking skills with two-step word problems. Submitted photos
Eighth grade students attend an electives fair at the high school.

Stay Informed

Please follow budget development by visiting our website and attending the BOE budget workshops and presentations. Information will regularly be updated on the district website and social media platforms @Superintendent_Burke on Facebook and Instagram.

Superintendent Community Conversations will be held on Thursday, Feb. 20, 9–10 a.m. and Thursday, Feb. 27, 6–7 p.m. via Zoom. Please contact Linda Powell in advance ( to receive a link for this meeting. This is a time where the community and parents/guardians can ask questions about the budget or other educational issues. 

On March 5, at 7 p.m., the FY26 superintendent’s proposed budget will be presented to the BOE in the town hall meeting room and via Zoom. The BOE budget workshop and budget adoption will be held on March 12, and March 19, respectively, at 7 p.m. in the town hall meeting room and via Zoom.

The public budget hearing is scheduled for April 7, at 7 p.m. in the GMHS auditorium.