Granby Racial Reconciliation is excited to be a sponsor of the 26th annual White Privilege Conference (WPC) that will be held in Hartford, March 26–29. GRR sees the WPC as a vehicle to support its purpose to raise awareness and continue the conversation on racial justice so Granby can be a great place for everyone.
Though the title of this long-standing conference may be provocative, author and previous WPC presenter, Paula Rothenberg states, “White Privilege is the other side of racism. Unless we name it, we are in danger of wallowing in guilt or moral outrage with no idea of how to move beyond them. It is often easier to deplore racism and its effects than to take responsibility for the privileges some of us receive as a result of it… Once we understand how white privilege operates, we can begin addressing it on an individual and institutional basis.”
Per the conference website, “Open to everyone, the conference… provides an opportunity for participants to discuss how white privilege, white supremacy and oppression affect daily life while giving strategies to address issues of privilege and oppression and advance social and economic justice.”
Authors Jacqueline Battalora and Robin DiAngelo will be participating in this year’s conference. A GRR board member shares that their books impacted her own antiracist journey by addressing the gaps in her understanding of American History (look up Bacon’s Rebellion) and examining privilege’s impact on her understanding of community and who gets to belong.
The list of other keynote speakers and presenters covers a wide range of thinkers and doers in the fields of education, disability rights, climate justice, organizational and community development, inclusion and belonging initiatives, poets, artists and musicians. Opportunities will abound for deep learning, relationship and community building with an emphasis on actionable steps towards building an antiracist culture and community.
Registration links are found at GRR’s website or directly through The Privilege Institute website,