Patrick Fitzgerald, worship arts director of Valley Brook Community Church, recently released a new arrangement of a worship song called Not in a Hurry. The song was originally recorded by United Pursuit and Will Reagan in 2017, and it features a theme of patiently pursuing a relationship with God.
Fitzgerald was inspired to use the song during a season when the church was studying the practice of taking time to observe the Sabbath. This spiritual discipline emphasizes setting one day or a portion of one day each week to rest from work and slow down and pursue the things of God.
As Fitzgerald played and practiced the song, he was drawn to create his own arrangement. About the song he says, “The message of waiting patiently on God to speak is one that should be delivered urgently. I love this paradox, and it led me to see if the song could be reproduced with more energy. The result was something special, and since our congregation sings this arrangement on Sundays, I wanted to give them the opportunity to listen during the week. For anyone who listens, I pray that the lyrics stir up a desire to wait on God to speak to you.” In the recording Fitzgerald sang and played the accompaniment.
The single was released this summer and can be heard and purchased on any platform where you buy and download music. This isn’t the first time that music has been produced and recorded out of Valley Brook. The church released a CD in 2003 called Music from the Brook.
Valley Brook Community Church offers weekly worship to the community featuring contemporary worship music performed by a band. The worship service is on Sundays at 10 a.m. on the campus at 160 Granville Road in North Granby. The church also offers small group studies for adults and classes and programs for children and students. For more information about Valley Brook visit
Submitted by Becca Smith, communications and creative director, Valley Brook Community Church.