Special events and recognitions for Veterans Day

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On Nov. 11, veterans were recognized and celebrated across the district for their service to our country. Students at Kelly Lane Primary School and Wells Road Intermediate School welcomed family members and neighbors to take part in school-wide gatherings to learn the importance of the holiday and to celebrate our veterans. Students shared their gratitude with handmade cards, letters and pictures for the veterans in attendance.

The warmth and appreciation for the veterans in our community could be felt as our youngest students gathered around the flagpole in front of Kelly Lane to sing and wave American flags. A highlight speaker at Wells Road was Staff Sergeant Joshua Peterson, Sr., a veteran of the United States Army and parent of students in the district. Peterson shared an important message of leadership with our students and emphasized our responsibility to care for and nurture the freedoms we are afforded as Americans.

Granby Memorial Middle School Student Council led the morning with a welcoming breakfast and an impressive assembly highlighting the importance of the day and educating their peers about why we have school on Veterans Day. One middle school student said, “I am glad that Granby schools stay open today so that we can welcome veterans to our school. I think it helps students understand and remember the true significance of the day rather than just having a day off.”

Speaking at GMMS, Honorable Judge of the Connecticut Superior Court Erik Lohr, also a parent of students in the district, shared an important message of keeping service to others central to everything that we do. Lohr donned his judge’s robe for his speech but as a former reactor operator aboard a U.S. Navy fast attack nuclear submarine and staff instructor at the Naval Nuclear Power Training Unit in Windsor, he revealed his Naval uniform under his robe to demonstrate the many ways we can serve others. His message of life-long service to the community drove his point home to all in attendance.

Granby Memorial High School students met in small groups with panels of veterans from the Granby community to learn about their experiences serving our country. Students posed questions and the veterans shared from their experiences and perspectives. This was a valuable lesson for our students to engage with and learn from our veterans.

Thank you to those who helped organize these events, to the veterans who visited and taught students about service to our country and, most importantly, thank you to all who have served.

Engage with us: Budget Planning

As we begin budget planning and development for the school district, we invite you to engage with us and follow the developments. An engaged community is essential to developing a budget that meets the needs of students and the community at large.

The board of education budgets are developed annually to meet student needs. The following year’s budget begins in the fall and ends in April with the town-wide referendum. We encourage everyone to follow along and stay informed. We post budget meetings and documents on the district website. The budget timeline we follow is:


• Administrators and department leaders begin with a zero-based budget to develop requests.

• Superintendent reviews budget requests and justifications to prepare the Plus One Budget for new initiatives.


• Superintendent presents the Plus One Budget and capital needs to the BOE.

• BOE reviews, evaluates, adjusts and approves the Plus One Budget and capital requests.

• Plus One Budget and capital requests are shared with the Town of Granby at a Three-Board Meeting.

• Superintendent and BOE chair respond to board of selectmen and board of finance questions.

• Board of finance offers guidelines to the town and BOE for budget increases.


• Superintendent presents the operating budget to the BOE.

• BOE members review superintendent’s proposed budget and pose questions.

• BOE holds public workshops and requests further information for discussion and revision of the superintendent’s proposed budget.

• BOE adjusts and approves the education budget.


• BOE chair presents the BOE approved budget to the board of finance.

• The final BOE Budget Book is shared with the town.

• The superintendent and BOE chair present the BOE budget at the Town of Granby Public Hearing.

• Town-wide referendum vote on the budget is held.

To share information and follow the district’s success, please follow me on the district Facebook and Instagram accounts: @Superintendent-Burke and submit any questions via email to askgps@granbyschools.org  All questions will be posted anonymously and receive a reply.