More than 100 Granby Land Trust members gathered for the 2024 Annual Meeting and Potluck Supper on Oct. 20. Before the meeting, GLT Vice President Dave Emery led a hike of the land trust’s Hastings Trail, which provides public access to Holcomb Farm’s western trails. At the meeting, GLT President Rick Orluk and members of the GLT board reported on the health of the organization and recent activities and acquisitions.
GLT members sang Happy Birthday to longtime, steadfast GLT Friend and Board Member Shirley Murtha at the annual meeting. Photo by Ed Judge
GLT volunteers Sandy Orluk and Stacey Kroninger welcomed guests.
Photo by Ed Judge
GLT volunteers Maggie Percival, Bill Percival, Sandy Salazar and Bill Salazar manned the kitchen.
Photo by Trish Percival
The 2024 Mary Edwards Friend of the Land Trust Award, the GLT’s highest honor, went to longtime GLT members Lowell and Maryellen Kahn. GLT Vice President Dave Emery (l.) and GLT President Rick Orluk (r.) presented the award. Photo by Ed Judge
Preserve Our Properties Day
The Granby Land Trust thanks its members and Granby Memorial High School boys soccer team members who spent an autumn morning at the GLT’s Mary Edwards Mountain Property as part of our fall “Preserve Our Properties Day.” Working as three crews, they built water bars on property trails, widened and cleared trails, and cleaned up around Mary’s Rock and the large sugar maple in the front field.
GLT members volunteering their time included: Property Steward Fran Armentano, Mark Kennedy, Mark Fiorentino, Austin White, Elizabeth Boucher, Debi O’Keefe and Rick Orluk. In addition, about two dozen players from the soccer team joined us to give their time to help the land trust. Submitted photo