Early Voting is Oct. 21 – Nov. 3

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To assure that anyone casting a ballot votes only once, there is an affirmation to be filled out on the early voting envelope before receiving a ballot. Please note, early voting ballots cannot be rescinded once cast. Early voting will be held at town hall. Here is the process:

• Come to town hall and enter the line by the side entrance.

• Show a valid ID or if previously confirmed, fill out a form attesting to your ID.

• Electronically check in to confirm you are a registered voter.

• Poll worker will cross off on the voter paper list, same as at the polls.

• Fill out the early voting envelope, affirming you have not/will not vote again

• Vote your ballot in a privacy booth and seal it in your envelope.

• Conduct second check in to cross your name off electronically in statewide database.

• Place your sealed ballot into the slot of the black bin.

New to town or just moved—update now!

There is an easy, fast online process to report changes to your voter registration. When you go online to Granby’s website or directly to the state’s website, you can register to vote or update your voter registration and verify you are all set for the presidential election. The state’s web address is: voterregistration.ct.gov/OLVR/welcome.do

There is also a link on the town clerk’s page to apply for an absentee ballot.