This summer, the Granby Public Works Department was busy around town. Road reconstruction is being completed on Wells, Vining Hill and Moosehorn roads. Drainage repairs, a new base layer and topcoat are also included in these projects.
The Library’s Summer Reading Celebration program finished Aug. 3 with 621 library patrons registered for the summer reading program. The Matica Circus kick-off event in June was attended by 200 people. Almost 70 programs were offered this summer, and more than 1,500 people attended those events. We are so thankful for the hard work of library staff and volunteers.
This summer the library increased programs for teens, including a teen design lab where teens could create their own water bottle designs using Cricut machines at Cossitt. Additionally, teens were encouraged to volunteer this summer, with eight teens providing valuable assistance with children’s programs and special book projects at the library.
The Granby Recreation Department hosted a Family Fun Day in July with more than 300 people of all ages attending the event in Salmon Brook Park. The Granby daytime summer camps were filled to capacity this summer, with waiting lists. We are thankful for sunny weather and fun days at the park and pond!
The Holcomb Farm Fresh Access drive-through program for seniors continues each week with great success; close to 100 members pick up fresh farm produce at the Senior Center for use at home. If your family has food needs this fall, please reach out to Granby Social Services to learn more about the many food and assistance resource programs available.