Quick thinking by Abalans saves fawn

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Granby Police Officer Nichole Abalan, working to serve not only the people of Granby, but all its inhabitants. Submitted by Granby Police Department

On the morning of June 1, the Granby Police Department received a report of a deer giving birth on Running Pine Road. Officer Nichole Abalan rushed to the scene and located a newborn deer that was left by its mother. Abalan saw the fawn had labored breathing and was cold to the touch, so wrapped the fawn with blankets and stimulated it to breathe.

Once the fawn was breathing normally, Abalan left the fawn in the sun hoping the mother would come back. As expected, the doe returned and took the fawn into the woods.

During this time, Granby Animal Control Officer Jen Abalan, Nichole’s mother, was in contact with Connecticut D.E.E.P. and communicated all efforts through them.