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May 1, 2024

Present: Liz Barlow, Heather Lombardo, Monica Logan, Donna Nolan, David Peling, Karen Richmond-Godard, Rosemarie Weber and Katie O’Neill.

Awards and Recognition

The board recognized Stephanie LaPointe, Ann Marzo, Kristin Rice and James Janski for their time and dedication to the Future Innovators Club for students. Last year Granby Public Schools provided the mentors and Starbase provided the programming and resources. Marzo’s Computer Science Club students added some sessions and there were seven sessions that included computer simulation and a robotics team demonstration. High school mentors provided feedback on the program, stating they experienced leadership, mentoring and communication skills; how to prepare materials needed to execute the program; and, presenting challenges to the students. Marzo reached out to students interested in engineering and in teaching as a career to be mentors for this program. There were 18 fourth-grade students in the club and nine high school student mentors.

Superintendent Goals

Superintendent Cheri Burke provided an update on the communication and student achievement goals for the 2023-24 year. Refer to the meeting minutes on the town website for the details.

Student Representative Report

Band and choir attended a Disney music competition in Orlando and both groups did very well.

The Empty Bowls fundraiser raised more than $3,000 for Granby and Hartland Food Banks.

May 15, 2024

Present: Heather Lombardo, Monica Logan, Donna Nolan, David Peling, Karen Richmond-Godard, Rosemarie Weber and Katie O’Neill.


Emily Buder received a grant from Fund for Teachers and will travel to Scotland this summer to experience a variety of storytelling mediums, with the goal of inspiring students to build speaking and listening skills and create deeper connections.

Shea Benton-Reger and Mary Whittemore received a team fellowship from Fund for Teachers to attend workshops at the Southampton Writer’s Conference at Stony Brook University in N.Y. They intend to embed student-centered writing practices in the writing center they are piloting.

Student Achievement Data Report

Heather Tannis and Michael Dunn, principals at the middle and high schools respectively, reviewed PSAT and SAT student achievement data. The extensive overview is available on the Granby Public Schools website.

Evaluation Plans

Jennifer Parsons, assistant superintendent, spoke of the revisions made to the teacher and administrator evaluation plans in order to align with Connecticut General Statutes. The board approved the revisions.

Field Trips

An international field trip is planned for the 2024-25 school year. After discussion, the board approved.

Committee Reports

Nolan reported that the finance subcommittee reviewed the statement of accounts, which has turned the corner in a positive direction. She also discussed the continued focus on capital improvement projects and reimbursement on the roof project. Lunch prices will remain the same for next school year.

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