Town hall happenings

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First pitches have been thrown, lawns fertilized, plants mulched, and everyone is out and about enjoying the warm weather. Before summer gets into full swing is a great time to visit with our friends and family by going out for ice cream, taking a walk on the rail trail, or meeting up at the park. Enjoy the weather and the wonderful parks in our great town!

Additionally, it is the season to recognize U.S. servicemen who died while serving in our Armed Forces. We honor and mourn our fallen service members. The annual Memorial Day Parade that is organized by the American Legion, Post 182, will be conducted on Monday, May 27, starting at 10 a.m. Two 5th grade students from Wells Road School have been chosen to be the standard bearers, carrying the town’s flag in the parade. Congratulations to Amelia Whitlow and Nick Halsted!

The Granby Police Department participated in the DEA’s bi-annual National Drug Take Back Initiative on April 27. More than 130 pounds of unneeded prescriptions were collected from Granby residents for proper disposal. The PD also participated in the Hop into Spring Food Drive hosted by Stop & Shop on April 13. The chief, a dispatcher and officers collected food for the Granby Food Bank. Two pickup trucks full of food were collected. Thank you to everyone who participated!

Calling all board game and strategy lovers! The Senior Center has regular meetings focusing on a variety of games: billiards, cribbage, set back, and more. There’s even a weekly meet up for crafters on Mondays. The Senior Center accepts folks 55 years or older, and these activities are also open to those with disabilities of any age group. Check the Senior Center website for information about registration.

The Senior Center is also excited about the new 14-passenger van that arrived in March. This vehicle is lift-equipped and replaces a 10-year-old vehicle. The normal lifespan for these vehicles is five to seven years, so the replacement is a most welcome addition!

The Granby Public Library is looking forward to welcoming Tom Sieling’s Tromp Through the Swamp musical performance! Registration is required for this special event. Sieling will perform songs accompanied by guitar, banjo, and even a drum machine to keep things upbeat and keep kids moving! For more information, check the library’s calendar on its website.

Congratulations to GPL’s Michele Kaminski and Amber Wyzik! On April 30 at the annual conference, Kaminski and Wyzik were awarded the Connecticut Library Association’s Faith Hektoen Award for Outstanding Children’s Library Programming. This award recognizes the special Granby Children’s Book Festival that took place in November 2023.

Additionally, the library has been awarded a grant to purchase new computers for the library staff and new computers for patrons to use when visiting the library.

In April, Town Manager Mike Walsh, Board of Finance Chair Mike Guarco, and First Selectman Mark Fiorentino, toured all four Granby Public School buildings with Superintendent Cheri Burke and Board of Education Chair Monica Logan. This valuable experience enables town boards and departments to make the most informed decisions relating to budget and school improvements.