Dedicate a flag to a veteran

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The tradition of posting American flags in Granby has existed for more than 17 years and has provided a way to remind our citizens of the dedication and sacrifices made by our veterans, our families, friends, and neighbors.

The Granby Lions Club is again offering Granby residents the opportunity to dedicate a flag in memory of a beloved veteran or private citizen. These flags will fly in and around the center of town from just before Memorial Day until Veterans Day. Donations not only enable the Granby Lions Club to continue this tradition, but also assist in the maintenance or replacement of damaged poles, flags and mounting hardware.

For a donation of $100, your dedication will be placed on a flag pole, and remain there in perpetuity. Up to two dedications per flag is permitted due to flag pole space constraints. Please limit your dedication’s wording to “In memory of (deceased veteran name)” or “In honor of (living veteran name).” You may include the veteran’s service branch. Please email with any questions. Dedications may be submitted via email, or can be mailed with your check made payable to Granby Lions to: Granby Lions Flag Committee, P.O. Box 191, Granby CT 06035. Include your email or phone number.