Dennis L.A. White, Hollywood actor, writer, and producer, will be the special guest at the Granby Racial Unity Festival on Saturday, June 29. You may know White from his breakout role as Damian-Roc’ Butler in the critically acclaimed film Notorious or his powerful portrayal of Kennedy in The Family Business. White can also be seen in the #1 film on Peacock, The Pass. During the 3-on-3 Basketball Tournament and Skills Contest, he’ll play basketball on one of the adult teams, and he’ll introduce the community to his new film Careful What You Ask For.
Registration is now open for children ages 12 – 18 and adults to play in the 3-on-3 basketball tournament. The $100 per team registration fee covers four players. Each player will receive a T-shirt and food voucher. The basketball tournament and skills contest will begin at 11 a.m. It is part of Granby Racial Reconciliation’s first Granby Racial Unity Festival that begins at 2:45 p.m.
The festival is free and open to the public. The festival will include various genres of music including: Native American drumming, Latin Dance, Indian Classical Dance, a Granby high school Blues/Rock band, Music of the African Diaspora as well as a featured Interracial Jazz/R and B band.
Additionally, there will be a Double Dutch contest hosted by Lady Carrie from Jada Foundation. Multicultural food and other vendors will be available throughout the day to serve the community.
The deadline to register for the 3-on-3 basketball tournament is April 30. Cash prizes will be awarded to the winning teams. For more details and to register for the tournament visit: GranbyRacialReconciliation.com/gruf-3on3