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October 11, 2023

Present: Toby Proctor, Eric Brown, Mark Migliaccio and Donna Nolan

Also present: BOE Business Manager Anna Robbins, GMHS Principal Mike Dunn, BOE Director of Facilities Shannon Sullivan, and Superintendent of Schools Cheri Burke.

Update on HS Roof Project

Seven change orders have been submitted to date on the project. The first two, pertaining to skylight and curb work, have been approved.

Number 3 is for additional curb flashing which Silver Petrucelli & Associates (architects) recommends approval for approval.

Number 4 is for a tapered insulation over the auditorium for proper draining. Brown feels additional investigation is needed.

Number 5 is for additional drain installation. Brown noted the cost seems high.

Number 6 addresses existing roof drain lines that were not in line. Clarification is being sought before making the corrections.

Number 7 is to install steel or wood blocking in cavity wall to reattach existing ladder. Sullivan feels the proposed cost is quite high.

The clerk of the works has already submitted invoices that approach the not-to-exceed amount of $50,000 and was told to stop work the previous week due to the financial constraints. The committee discussed proper oversight of the remaining work, but decided to not use the clerk of the works going forward.

There is a credit for the deck allowance that helps cover the cost of the change orders.

Robbins reviewed Phase 1 costs and recommended to pay outstanding bills and close that phase of the project. The committee voted 3-0-0 (Proctor had left the meeting) to approve.

Committee meetings are open to the public; the next meeting is Wednesday, Nov. 8, 5 p.m. at the BOE building.