Communications plan is underway

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A sincere thank you to everyone who participated in the district’s communications surveys and focus groups. Your feedback is critical to our work on the first goal for the school year:

To develop a district communications plan responsive to the needs of Granby Public Schools and all relevant partners and groups, including students, parents, teachers, staff, administrators, community members, and local businesses and organizations.

Three Zoom focus groups were held. Parents, community members and district faculty and staff offered valuable insights related to our district communications. These candid conversations provided excellent ideas for improvement and reinforced what we are already doing well.

Currently, we are working to synthesize the wealth of information gathered from the survey respondents. We are pleased with the level of engagement from you, our Granby community members. More than 140 people who do not have a child in the school district participated in the survey. We had 70 percent of the faculty and staff and nearly 50 percent of all families complete the survey. In addition, more than 200 secondary students took the time to share their valuable insights.

To learn more about the survey results and keep up-to-date on the development of the Granby Public Schools Communications Plan, please visit

New curriculum resources available

Parents and community members have asked Granby Public Schools to be more transparent about the curriculum our students are learning at school. I completely agree that this information should be more accessible. Central Services has recently begun taking steps to make it so.

We developed Curriculum At-A-Glance guides for each grade level kindergarten to grade five. These guides were distributed to parents at our elementary curriculum nights in October at Wells Road Intermediate School and Kelly Lane Primary School. The guides are also available on the curriculum page of our website.

We will continue adding to these documents and are committed to building out the resources in this section of our website. Many thanks to Assistant Superintendent Jennifer Parsons and our instructional coaches for their efforts in compiling these informative guides.

Change to kindergarten start age

A recent legislative change from the State of Connecticut may affect your family or someone you know. Beginning with the 2024-25 school year, children will need to turn 5 years old on or before Sept. 1 (born on or before Sept. 1, 2019) in order to be automatically eligible for kindergarten.

This is a change from the current kindergarten cut-off date of Jan. 1. We understand that this adjustment may pose a challenge for some families and are here to support you through this transition in any way that we can.

If you or someone you know has a child planning to attend kindergarten in the fall, please visit to learn more. 

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