Did you know that Granby Memorial High School has a Career and Technical Education (CTE) Advisory Board? This board is a collaboration among teachers, administrators, business industry professionals and community members. Its goal is to share ideas, industry trends and expertise to best prepare GMHS students for college and career.
This dedicated group of local community members and business professionals meets twice a year to promote its triple A objectives:
The board assesses specific areas of the CTE program and makes suggestions and recommendations for improvements such as curriculum modifications, updates to equipment, safety policy and/or certificate and course opportunities.
The board helps teachers and administrators carry out specific activities and provides opportunities to connect students to the real world through guest speakers, job shadowing opportunities, internships and a career fair.
The advisory committee promotes the CTE program throughout the community and strives to improve the relationships between CTE educators, business/industry partners and the community.
The next meeting of the GMHS CTE Advisory Board will be Thursday, Nov. 9, 7:15 to 8:20 a.m. at GMHS. The board is always looking for new members to join the group. If you are interested, please contact Sue Clark, GMHS Business Education Teacher at clarks@granbyschools.org for more information.