Bennett, Sydney M. “Syd”, 91, husband of Gertrude (Allen) Bennett, May 1
Bushey, Agnes Gustafson, 94, wife of the late Victor Bushey, May 16
Yasny, Peter John, 68, June 9
Timothy, Kristine Lapent, 55, wife of Richard Timothy, Jr., June 13
Barko, Katherine Marie, 32, June 17
Loughran, Donald J. “Don”, 67, husband of Eleanor A. (Paullis) Loughran,
June 19
Honey, Gregory B., 52, husband of Elizabeth (Peabody) Honey, June 21
Caranchini, Evelyn (Smith), 76, wife of Steven Caranchini, June 24
Helander, Donald Paul, 62, husband of Ingrid Yvonne (Stromberg) Helander, June 24
Murphy, John Francis, Jr., M.D., 71, husband of Mary Murphy, June 25
Hahn, Albert P., Jr., 86, husband of Theresa Howard Hahn, June 29
Fisher, Gregory L., 50, June 30
Snyder, Tammy Mendes, 57, wife of Jay Snyder, July 4
Haslun, William A., 94, husband of the late Elizabeth Jane Everett Haslun, July 9
Hunt, Alfred James, 94, husband of the late Margaret (Dowd) Hunt, July 17
Rau, Henry George “Hank”, III, 68, husband of Claudia (Giddings) Rau,
July 19
LaCroix, James B., 56, former husband of Dianne Romano, July 19
Egan, Thomas Michael, 63, husband of Mayre Miller, July 26
Brignole, Kathleen (Costello), 93, wife of the late Frederick A. Brignole, July 29
Thulen, Jessica Lee, 31, mother of River Mae Carlton and friend of River’s
father, Alan, July 31
McGuigan, Therese F., 68, mother of Patrick A. McGuigan and his wife
Kimberly, August 6
Neumann-Hernsdorf, Diane, 85, wife of Roger Hernsdorf and the late Otto
Neumann, August 7
Karaffa, Theresa E. (Blouin), 86, wife of the late Daniel Karaffa, August 8