Waste Not Want Not again serving sit down community meals

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Raine Pedersen (right) and Marge Fiore (left). Photo by Johanna Briggs

Finally, we begin to redefine normal. Waste Not Want Not Community Kitchen (14 years strong) endured the pandemic by adaptation; serving contactless drive-through hot meals for a long time. With rain and snow and wind blowing the tents over, we were as friendly as could be. Not leaning too far into the open car windows, and trying not to touch! Then we transitioned inside to prepackaged take home meals.

We were serving 275 to 300 meals, sometimes more each week. The challenge was finding interesting one dish meals and reasonably priced containers to hand them out. We managed. Thank you, diners, for your patience—thank you, volunteers, for your energy—thank you, Granby Congregational Church, for your continued support—and thank you, donors, for your contributions. We survived!

On April 19 we returned to sit down family-style meals. We could not be happier. Some diners and volunteers had serious concerns about the change back, but we proudly announce that diners are very pleased. Their comments include: “I had not realized how hungry I was for company and conversation.” “I forgot what it was like not to be alone.” “I made a friend tonight.”

We are all in this together and we react differently to stress and fear of isolation. We all weathered this and are on the other side.  We are serving about 100 sit down meals a week. Our numbers are fewer because one has to be there to dine. The meals are more interesting because we can once again serve a multi-course meal, such as roast pork tenderloin, scalloped potatoes, green beans, salad, apple sauce and dessert.

There is always lots of breads, butter, juice, tea and coffee. It is amazing—90 to 95 percent of what is served is grocery store recovery! Food that would soon expire and be tossed or given to farmers as animal feed is used. Our Wednesday night meal is a true example of people setting goals, making a plan, adapting systems and causing it all to come together. We have this beautiful community of giving people and we are blessed!

Waste Not Want Not Community Kitchen is a 501(c)3 not for profit organization. We are 100 percent volunteer and always welcoming new people who like to help. Please use PO Box 606, Granby, to contact us or donate. Thank you so much!