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April 19, 2023

Assistant Superintendent’s Report

Jennifer Parsons said testing is well underway and Wells Road is almost done with SBAC testing. All testing will be completed in a few weeks.

Business Manager’s Report

Anna Robbins presented the March statement of accounts and stated the full-year forecast overbudget condition of $824K which is worse than the previous month by $34K. The favorable forecast for regular education of $3.5K is $19K worse than the previous month. Projected savings in salaries and benefits, transportation, supplies, textbooks, legal services, communications, and conferences and travel offset the overbudget condition in purchased instructional services, specifically substitutes. Special education is overbudget $827K which is $15K worse than last month primarily due to changes in out-of- district tuition and transportation. Revenue to the town is projected to be favorable $548K which is unfavorable $94K compared to last month. The quality and diversity fund is stable and continues to trend positive for the year. Rosemarie Weber commented that the Finance Subcommittee reviewed this report this evening.

Schools in the Spotlight

Kristen Rice, math and science coach at Wells Road Intermediate School, along with some 4th grade and high school students presented on the StarBase Engineering Club that is a new club for 4th grade students interested in engineering. Rice said the goal of the club was to gauge student and family interest in a new engineering club.

Wells Road Intermediate School Continuous Improvement Plan Update

Pauline Greer, Principal at Wells Road Intermediate School, presented an update on the Continuous Improvement Plan for Wells Road presented in fall.

First Reading of Revised Policy, Nondiscrimination

The curriculum/policy/technology/communications subcommittee recommended revised Policy 4118.11/4218.11, Nondiscrimination for a first reading. David Peling said the main reason for the revision is language regarding age-based discrimination. This policy will go to the board at the next meeting for a second reading and approval.


Kristina Gilton said CREC discussed standardized tests for teachers and the difficulty getting certified to teach in Connecticut. Retired teachers are teaching as substitutes but being limited by the state as to how many hours they can work.