Citizens For A Better Granby
Citizens For A Better Granby annually offers a $1,500 scholarship to a GMHS graduating senior who is pursuing higher education in journalism or a related field. The board encourages interested seniors to contact the high school guidance department to apply. Deadline is May 1.
Citizens For A Better Granby publishes The Granby Drummer and advocates for organizations that make our community a better place to live.
Community Scholarship Association of Granby (CSAG)
The Community Scholarship Association of Granby (CSAG) offers several college scholarships Applicants must be Granby residents who are soon-to-be high school graduates accepted at an institution of higher learning approved by the selection committee. The David A. Schupp, Jr. Memorial Scholarship will be specifically awarded to a student pursuing a STEM major. Additional scholarships take into consideration given need, initiative, character, responsibility and higher than average involvement in our local Granby community.
Scholarship applications are available online through Naviance, at the College and Career Center or through your guidance counselor. Completed applications should be submitted to Mrs. Caruso in the GMHS counseling office on or before May 1.