Time to change batteries; supplies available

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Granby Fire Marshall Brian Long successfully applied to the Change Your Clock, Change Your Batteries program for a grant from the Energizer Corporation. Last year, the town received a small number of batteries from the Connecticut Fire Academy, but Long knew more could be done.

National Fire Protection Association statistics confirm that three out of five home fire deaths were caused by fires in properties with NO smoke alarms, or smoke alarms that were not working.

“Through our Community Risk Reduction Plan we have determined that Granby is not immune to these statistics,” Long says. “Very often Smoke and Carbon Monoxide alarm batteries are overlooked for replacement during our day-to-day life.” The Town of Granby and the Fire Marshall’s Office have been working to help our community reduce these risks.

Both 9-Volt and AA batteries are available for pickup in the Town Clerk’s Office, the Granby Senior Center, the Library main branch and the VNA Food Pantry. The goal is to provide batteries to the most vulnerable citizens in the community in preparation for the Daylight Savings Time change on Nov. 6.

The Fire Marshal’s office promotes changing your smoke detector’s battery at least twice a year when Daylight Savings Time begins and ends. For more information on how you can reduce your risk of fire and to protect your family, please visit the National Fire Protection Association website: nfpa.org/Public-Education