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Granby’s new Board of Education. From left, Monica Logan, Donna Nolan, Sara Thrall, Whitney Sanzo and Kristina Gilton. Missing from photo: Rosemarie Weber and David Peling. Photo by Linda Powell

October 6, 2021

Present: Jenny Emery, Mark Fiorentino, Sarah Thrall, Rosemarie Weber, Brandon Webster, and Tess Bajek and Jacob Scotto (Student Representatives). Absent: Melissa Migliaccio and David Peling

Superintendent’s Announcements

Dr. Jordan Grossman said that budgets for FY23 and budget meetings are underway.

Assistant Superintendent’s Report

Jennifer Parsons reported on professional development with Teachers College for reading and writing projects as well as math work with CREC consultants. Started committees for wellness education, development committee, STEAM, Equity Team, and the newly formed committee for Social/Emotional Learning. Parsons stated the requirement for all school-based staff including bus drivers and food service workers to either be vaccinated or provide weekly testing was successfully implemented.

Schools in the Spotlight

Rodney Scudder, a GMHS social studies teacher, and students Ally McDonald and Natalie Ehrenwerth, showcased the Early College Experience Program, which began at the high school in 2007 with 40 students. Last year, there were 119 students in the program.

New Business

2021-2022 Secondary Continuous Improvement Plans

Taylor Wrye, GMMS principal, and Michael Dunn, GMHS principal, presented their respective Continuous Improvement Plans for the 2021-2022 school year.

Old Business

2021-2025 Strategic Plan for Granby Public Schools

The board continued its discussion of the 2021-2025 Strategic Plan for the Granby Public Schools. Grossman stated much of what the middle school and high school presented tonight are integrated in the Strategic Plan. Grossman stated this is a new process and the next alignment the board will see is where the elementary principals are with regard to the Strategic Plan.

Approval of Revised Policy – Face Masks/Coverings

The board discussed and considered the approval of revised Policy 4118.237/4218.237/5141.8, Face Masks/Coverings, as recommended by the Curriculum/Policy/Technology/Communications Subcommittee. This policy was revised to reflect the extended Executive Order stating masking will stay in place. The committee voted unanimously to approve the revised policy.

Board Standing Committee Reports


Weber reported the subcommittee discussed getting college recruitment back on campus, graduation requirements, what goes on at all grade levels and how certain assessments correlate to SBAC testing. Two additional policies, Vision-Mission-Goals and Communications with the Public, will stay in subcommittee. Four other policies were tabled. She briefly spoke about the Teachers’ Writing Project which will be moved into 6th grade.

Other Board-Related Reports

Granby Education Foundation

Emery reported the first mini grant of the year was approved for Kelly Lane for an introduction to Native American speakers.

October 20, 2021

Present: Jenny Emery, Mark Fiorentino, Melissa Migliaccio, David Peling, Sarah Thrall, Rosemarie Weber, and Tess Bajek and Jacob Scotto (Student Representatives). Absent: Brandon Webster.

Superintendent’s Announcements

Dr. Jordan Grossman said that monthly meetings with the Granby Race and Reconciliation Group are beginning next week.

The Granby Education Foundation stated that they are planning to do the GranBee this year.
Have been meeting with our music staff to coordinate in-person concerts for this winter and spring. Guidance just changed from the CSDE and DPH allowing students to perform 3-feet apart instead of 6-feet apart, which will allow all chorus and band numbers to be on the stage.
Weber inquired if there was an expected date of completion for the production studio. Grossman said Parsons will report on that in December. Currently, design drawings being done and work should begin once those drawings are rendered.

Business Manager’s Report

Anna Robbins stated as of Sept. 30 the BOE is showing a positive balance of $119K. Special education expenditures are unfavorable $32K and regular education is favorable $150K. The driving factor of the positive forecast is personnel turnover. Special education expenses are forecast to be over budget. The Quality and Diversity Budget is projected to be favorable $148K. The positive FY21 budget was carried over to FY22 due to not as many programs being run as well as no summer school expenses. Revenue to the town is under budget $6K. There will be more accurate information once the tuition from other towns are calculated. Excess cost funding from the state is expected to be slightly higher than budgeted. At this time, the athletic program is expected to proceed as normal.

Schools in the Spotlight

David Pickhardt, technology teacher, along with 7th grade students, Emma Wiltshire and Ryan Coxon, presented Onshape, which is the new 3D modeling and drafting software. He stated Granby has always been proactive with regard to technology and the innovation of 3D printing, and 3D modeling forever changed the thinking in Granby Technology Education. Pickhardt reviewed the software history of Tinkercad to SolidWorks and now to Onshape. Onshape is a 2D design program that allows you to do 3D.

Old Business

Approval of 2021-2025 Strategic Plan for Granby Public Schools
The board discussed and considered the approval of the 2021-2025 Strategic Plan for Granby Public Schools. Grossman stated in a year-and-a-half the board has experienced a lot, and this Strategic Plan is one of the most important things created to move the district forward. The board will be able to see how the Continuous Improvement Plans will align with this plan. The board approved the 2021-2025 Strategic Plan for Granby Public Schools unanimously.

New Business

Granby Association of School Administrators’ Agreement Ratification
The board discussed and considered the ratification of the Granby Association of School Administrators’ Agreement effective July 1, 2022 through June 30, 2025. Migliaccio stated the total increase over the life of the contract is 8 percent with 2.36 percent in the first year; 2.69 percent in the second year and 2.95 percent in the third year. The board unanimously ratified the agreement effective July 1, 2022 through June 30, 2025.

Board Standing Committee Reports


Emery reported on the September statement of accounts; bus contract that expires at the end of this year; and the significant increase in both lunches and breakfasts served between Granby and East Granby. In discussions now with the architect for the high school roof.

November 3, 2021

Present: Jenny Emery, Mark Fiorentino, Melissa Migliaccio, Sarah Thrall, Rosemarie Weber, Brandon Webster, and Tess Bajek and Jacob Scotto (Student Representatives). Absent: David Peling.

Superintendent’s Announcements

Dr. Jordan Grossman reported that three students from Wells Road entered the Kid Governor’s Challenge: Allyson Phinney, Eva Bragoni and Sara Brenson. Sara was the winner of the primary, but did not make it as a final candidate.

Twenty-eight students were inducted into the World Language Honor Societies for French, Spanish and Chinese.

Assistant Superintendent’s Report

Jennifer Parsons said the district is continuing to see some COVID impact and all students are being accommodated. Middle school teachers and students in grades 6-8 are using Illustrative Math this year, working with CREC consultant on implementing that resource. All K-5 teachers will have a trial of at least one unit of Illustrative Math.

New Business

Elementary Continuous Improvement Plans

Colleen Bava, Kelly Lane Primary School Principal, and Pauline Greer, Wells Road Intermediate School Principal, presented their respective Continuous Improvement Plans. Grossman thanked both principals for their tremendous work and leadership and informed the board the principals have aligned their goals with the Strategic Plan.

Board Standing Committee Reports


Weber reported there will be budgetary implications for the Illustrative Math program to consider during the budget process. Revisions to existing courses are forthcoming, such as: Grade 6 ELA Workshop Model, Wellness course at the high school, and the Broadcasting course to reflect the news studio.

Board Member Announcements

Thrall said it is bittersweet to say goodbye to current board members and she acknowledged Brandon Webster, Melissa Migliaccio, Jenny Emery and Mark Fiorentino, commenting on each of their roles and commitments with the board over their terms.

Respectfully submitted,

Rosemarie Weber, Board Secretary