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September 15, 2021

Present: Mark Fiorentino, Melissa Migliaccio, David Peling, Sarah Thrall, and Tess Bajek and Jacob Scotto (Student Representatives) Absent: Jenny Emery, Rosemarie Weber and Brandon Webster

Assistant Superintendent’s Report

Jennifer Parsons provided updates including that as part of professional learning, a math consultant was in the district and trained middle school math teachers, support staff and the administrative team. There have been four COVID cases in the schools, all were impacted by community events. Parsons said that students who are quarantined based on a school or community exposure will have access to remote instruction. However, there is no option for remote learning voluntarily. The district is preparing for Executive Order 13G, which requires vaccination of all individuals working in schools.

Student Representative Reports

Bajek gave an overview of recent sports events.

Scotto said there has been an increase of activities for the arts including auditions for Radium Girls, a tragic but inspiring play.

Students are happy they are only required to wear masks in school and not have to deal with face shields and constant sanitizing. That makes the school community feel much more together.

Old Business

Fall Athletic Update

Brian Maltese updated the board on fall sports and COVID mitigation strategies in place for the fall season. Fall sports began on time, are in full swing including football and will play a full schedule. He said athletics is facing transportation shortages for sporting events but that Granby is fortunate to have a lighted field, which allows some events to be scheduled later.

He informed the board that live streaming events are being done when they can.

New Business

Annual Testing Report

Parsons presented the 2020-2021 annual testing report. The summative-based tests include Smarter Balanced Assessment (SBAC), Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS), and School-Day SAT. These tests measure student achievement and growth over time. This is an annual snapshot of student achievement.

Parsons reviewed the English Language Arts (ELA) results for Grades 3-8 and presented scores for 2015-19 and 2021. She reviewed ELA highlights and next steps and said there will be a focus on our youngest readers; the district is looking to grow the K-5 curriculum model through a partnership with Teachers’ College, up to the middle school.

Peling inquired how a parent would know that a student did not meet proficiency and Parsons stated annual parent reports are sent home.

CABE Leadership Award

The board reviewed and approved the application for CABE Leadership Award for Level II, Board of Distinction.

Other Board-Related Reports


Fiorentino stated CABE is actively addressing the bus driver shortage and helping the providers find the funds and personnel to get through it. They are also working on trying to secure federal and state funding for HVAC for schools.

Respectfully submitted,

Linda Powell, Board Recorder