Kuhnly reflects on eight years of service

I want to thank the people of Granby for the opportunity to be your First Selectman for the last eight years. I have been fortunate to work with a great group of professionals on the Board of Selectmen over the years and wish to thank Sally King for being the best Vice Chair anyone could ask for. It truly has been my honor to serve this town and give back to this great community. Granby has given me and my family so much over the almost 30 years we have lived here, and we are forever grateful. The new corporate position I started just before COVID will have me traveling more and will not allow me to dedicate the amount of time needed to be First Selectman.
It has been my privilege to work with so many great and dedicated volunteers over my 25 years in town government. As residents we are very fortunate to have so many folks on our boards and committees who volunteer their time for the betterment of Granby. There are so many who had such a positive influence on my life in town government and helped me throughout the years. I wish I could thank you all but I would like to recognize Lowell “Whitey” and Paula Johnson, Diane and Roger Hernsdorf, Bill Simanski, Al Wilke, John Adams, Mike Guarco, and Bill Smith. I thank you all for your sage advice and encouragement over the years; your friendship means the world to me.
I also can’t say enough good things about the town staff. They are the hardest working, most dedicated individuals I have ever had the privilege of working with. The leadership team is second to none and I am grateful for all you have done, especially over the last two challenging years.
Most importantly, I am blessed to have a wonderful family that has supported me and been understanding when I had to miss family events, end vacations early for meetings or one of the other sacrifices volunteers in this town make. I wish to thank you for your love, support, encouragement, and letting me vent when things were challenging.
I have strived to build collaboration among town boards and leaders such as developing the Intra-Board Advisory Committee. Due to many people on the town staff, boards, and committees, and the small businesses who chose to be a part of this town, we have seen improvements in the town center and beyond. Many infrastructure projects have been completed including town center sidewalks, the North Barn at Holcomb Farm, the Salmon Brook Park House, the roundabout, and improvements to bridges and roads in town.
We have hired two new town managers in the last eight years, both of whom have and will do great things for Granby. Our board improved avenues for providing information to the residents of Granby and continues to seek your input for budgets, policies, and procedures. We are laying the foundation for future projects and developments that will be positive for Granby.
I have appreciated the feedback, encouragement, advice and even the criticism over the years. I believe it has helped me and the board in doing what is right for Granby. I’m confident in the slate of candidates that is on the ballot this fall and that they will promote a smooth transition of leadership and be solid contributors to lead Granby into the future.
Thank you,
B. Scott Kuhnly