March 16, 2020
Present: B. Scott Kuhnly, Glenn Ballard, Sally King, Mark Neumann, Edward Ohannessian, John D. Ward Town Manager
First Selectman Kuhnly reported with sadness the passing of Town of Hartland First Selectman Wade Cole and asked for a moment of silence.
On A Motion by Selectman Neumann, seconded by Selectman King, the board voted unanimously (5-0-0) to enter into Executive Session to discuss a personnel matter, following Reports.
On A Motion by Neumann, seconded by King, the board voted (4-0-1) to approve the minutes of the regular meeting of March 2, as presented, Kuhnly abstained.
On A Motion by Neumann, seconded by King, the board voted unanimously (5-0-0) to approve the minutes of the Budget Workshop of March 5, as presented.
On A Motion by Neumann, seconded by King, the board voted (4-0-1) to approve the minutes of the Budget Workshop of March 9, as presented, Selectman Ohannessian abstained.
Unfinished or Tabled Business
Establishment of a Committee to Review Agritourism and Farm Store Zoning Regulations
At the March 2, BOS meeting, a Committee to Review Agritourism and Farm Store Zoning Regulations was created. Six individuals were suggested for the committee at that time. Planning and Zoning nominated two individuals at its March 10, meeting, Paula Johnson and Matthew Peters. Individuals nominated to date: from the Development Commission, Ken Kuhl, Matt Brady; from the Agricultural Commission, Erin Pirro, Ellen Whitlow; from Planning and Zoning, Paula Johnson, Matthew Peters; residents, Michelle Neidermeyer, Jamie Woodside.
On A Motion by King, seconded by Neumann, the board voted unanimously (5-0-0) to appoint the following individuals to the Committee to Review Agritourism and Farm Store Regulations: Paula Johnson, Matthew Peters.
Resignations and Appointments
On A Motion by Neumann, seconded by King, the board voted unanimously (5-0-0) to approve the re-appointment of Mae Collins (U), Commission on Aging.
On A Motion by Neumann, seconded by King, the board voted unanimously (5-0-0) to appoint June Ashworth (U), 7 Whytewood Lane, to the Library Board.
Consideration of Resolution for Board of Education Grant Application for Granby Memorial High School Science Classroom ADA Improvements Project
On A Motion by Neumann, seconded by King, the board voted unanimously (5-0-0) to adopt the resolutions for Board of Education Grant Application for Granby Memorial High School Science Classroom ADA Improvements Project.
1) Resolved, that the Town of Granby Board of Selectman authorizes the Granby Board of Education to apply to the Commissioner of Administrative Services and to accept or reject a grant for the Science Classroom ADA Improvements Project at the Granby Memorial High School.
2) Resolved, that the School Projects Building Committee is hereby established as the building committee with regard to the Science Classroom ADA Improvements Project at the Granby Memorial High School proposed project.
3) Resolved, that the Town of Granby Board of Selectman hereby authorizes at least the preparation of schematic drawings and outline specifications for the Science Classroom ADA Improvements Project at the Granby Memorial High School proposed project.
Consideration of Resolution for Board of Education Grant Application for Granby Memorial High School Reconstruction of the North Staircase in Building #1
On A Motion by King, seconded by Neumann, the board voted unanimously (5-0-0) to adopt the Resolutions for Board of Education Grant Application for Reconstruction of the North Staircase in Building #1 at the Granby Memorial High School.
1) Resolved, that the Town of Granby Board of Selectman authorizes the Granby Board of Education to apply to the Commissioner of Administrative Services and to accept or reject a grant for the Reconstruction of the North Staircase in Building #1 at the Granby Memorial High School
2) Resolved, that the School Projects Building Committee is hereby established as the building committee with regard to the Reconstruction of the North Staircase in Building #1 at the Granby Memorial High School proposed project.
3) Resolved, that the Town of Granby Board of Selectman hereby authorizes at least the preparation of schematic drawings and outline specifications for the Reconstruction of the North Staircase in Building #1 at the Granby Memorial High School proposed project.
First Selectman Kuhnly requested that in the future the Board of Education be present to answer questions when resolutions are up for adoption.
A question was brought forward, does this offset the bond? Yes, it does and reimbursement was already figured in.
Consideration of Approval for Budget 2020-21
On A Motion by Neumann, seconded by King, the board voted (4-1-0) to adopt and forward to the Board of Finance the budget as approved at the workshop that day.
Town Manager Reports
The Town Manager reported updates in regards to the coronavirus. He has signed a declaration of State of Emergency for the Town of Granby, which makes the town eligible for funds. The town has opened the Emergency Management Center, and Director Eric Vincent is monitoring the situation.
The Senior Center is closed. Transportation is still available and tax assistance is as well. The library is closed. The Department of Recreation and Leisure Services is cancelling programs.
Schools are closed for two weeks. All non-essential board and commission meetings are cancelled. Excluded are Board of Selectmen, Planning and Zoning Commission, Zoning Board of Appeals, and Inland Wetlands and Watercourses Commission, required by State Statute. The next step would close Town Hall to foot traffic. Everyone is advised to limit social interaction. The town is in constant contact with the Farmington Valley Health Department. One employee who traveled out of the country is working from home.
First Selectman Reports
First Selectman Kuhnly reported on constant contact with the Governor’s Office and the Department of Public Health. All the boards ask for is everyone’s patience. Look to the town website for updates. The BOS and the town offices will strive for as minimal disruption as possible. Please communicate by phone or email. All services are not closing down, staff will be on hand. Stay healthy and please remember to wash your hands.
Neumann moved to recess the meeting to executive session at 7:25 p.m. Present: B. Scott Kuhnly, Sally King, Glenn Ballard, Mark Neumann, Edward Ohannessian, and John D. Ward, Town Manager. The purpose of the meeting was to discuss a personnel matter. The executive session adjourned at 7:55 p.m. and the regular meeting was reconvened at 7:56 p.m. and was adjourned.
April 6, 2020
Present: B. Scott Kuhnly, Glenn Ballard, Sally King, Mark Neumann, Edward Ohannessian, John D. Ward, Town Manager.
First Selectman Kuhnly welcomed everyone to the first virtual meeting of the board.
On A Motion by Selectman Neumann, seconded by Selectman King, the board voted unanimously (5-0-0) to reorder the agenda placing an Executive Session following Reports.
On A Motion by Selectman King, seconded by Selectman Neumann, the board voted unanimously (5-0-0) to approve the minutes of March 16 meeting with a corrected motion to read, the board voted (4-1-0) to move the budget along with the adjustments discussed in Town Budget Table 1 and 11. Selectman Ballard voted no.
On A Motion by King, seconded by Neumann, the board voted unanimously (5-0-0) to approve the minutes of the meeting of March 16, with a corrected motion on page 3 to remove the word ‘unanimously’ and read, the board voted (4-1-0) to adopt and forward to the Board of Finance the budget as approved at the workshop. Selectman Ballard voted no.
There is one vacancy on the Conservation Commission. If anyone is interested, they should contact Christine Chinni, Chairman of the Democratic Town Committee or Mark Neumann, Chairman of the Republican Town Committee.
Consideration of awarding of the Griffin and Hungary Road Bridges to Wengell, McDonnell and Costello
Town Manager Ward thanked the Town Bridges Building Advisory Committee and Mr. Severance for overseeing the project. The committee has met several times since January and recently drafted a Request for Proposals (RFP) to solicit proposals from interested firms for engineering and design services for the replacement/rehabilitation of the two bridges. The recommendation was to find one firm to do both bridges.
Seven firms sent in proposals and three were chosen for interviews: Milone and MacBroom, GM2 Associates, Inc., and Wengell, McDonnell and Costello, Inc. (WMC). After an extensive interview process to quantify and qualify the proposals, the committee recommended WMC to be retained. It has had extensive experience and was deemed to offer the best quality for the amount of services it is going to perform. The expected cost for the design work and inspection during construction of the two bridges is $280,000. The firm has done over 180 bridges in Connecticut alone and it is the firm that did the design and construction inspection for the Silver Street bridge. These projects would be paid for with the bond money and is subject to 50 percent reimbursement by the state under the state local bridges program.
On A Motion by King, seconded by Neumann, the board voted unanimously (5-0-0) to authorize the Town Manager to award and execute the engineering design services contract for Hungary and Griffin Road bridges to the firm of Wengell, McDonnell and Costello.
Consideration of the Authorizing the Board of Finance to Adopt the Budget and Set the Mill Rate
On March 21, Governor Lamont signed Executive Order 7-I that changes Granby’s budget process and dictated that our normal procedure by charter for adoption of the budget could not be followed. In other words, adoption of the budget by referendum could not proceed. Instead, Paragraph 13 of Executive Order 7-I dictates the Board of Selectmen to authorize the financial body, the Board of Finance, to adopt a budget and mill rate. This order supersedes the Town Charter that requires the town to hold a Budget Referendum on the last Monday in April.
Town Manager Ward indicated there will still be a Public Hearing on April 13. The Board of Finance will have the option to adopt the budget that night or at a later date.
On A Motion by Neumann, seconded by King, the board voted unanimously (5-0-0) to authorize the Board of Finance to adopt a budget for fiscal Year 2020-21 and set a mill rate for the same fiscal year on or before April 27.
Kuhnly indicated the mill rate will stay the same as last year. Neumann expressed having a public hearing and a referendum is a better way for the town to get input from all our citizens to adopt a budget for the town. It is only due to these extraordinary measures set by the Governor because of the COVID-19 pandemic that the process changed this year. Kuhnly noted it is a directive from State of Connecticut and it is not an option for towns to make the decision on their own.
Consideration of Authorizing a Tax Deferment Program and/or a Low Interest Program
On April 1, Governor Lamont signed Executive Order 7-S that requires all municipalities to adopt a 90 Day Tax Deferral Program and/or a Low Interest Rate Program.
The Deferment Program: Municipalities that participate in this program shall offer to eligible taxpayers, businesses, nonprofits, and residents a 90-day waiting period on any taxes, assessments, water bills and sewer bills that are due between March 10 and July 1, 2020. The taxpayer or rate payer would have an additional 90 days to make payment. This relief would be for those that have been significantly impacted economically by COVID-19. Eligibility guidelines have not yet been issued from the Office of Policy and Management (OPM).
Low Interest Rate Program: The delinquent portion of the principal of any taxes shall be subject to interest at the rate of 3 percent instead of 18 percent. This would be for 90 days from the time when it became due and payable from March 10 through and including July 1, 2020. After the 90 days, the portion that remains delinquent shall be subject to interest and penalties as previously established.
Town Manager Ward indicated that would not have a significant impact on the town. The town has until April 25, to let OPM know which way it will go. There will be another meeting before the deadline and the suggestion is to study the options and discuss them at the next meeting and make a decision then. There may be more guidance from OPM by then as to who would qualify.
Ward indicated the town needs to choose one or the other or both. King indicated it makes sense to defer, maybe in two weeks members will have received more information.
Ward indicated he has already had two inquiries from citizens about these issues. Ward indicated the 90-day option would be more helpful. The tax rate would be less meaningful to people. Ohannessian clarified that with the 90-day extension, taxes would be due Oct. 1, 2020, which would mean people have until Oct. 31, 2020. Ward stated there will be qualifications set by OPM.
On A Motion by King, seconded by Ohannessian, the board voted unanimously (5-0-0) to table the motion until the next meeting on April 20.
Town Manager Report
Ward reviewed a long list of the COVID-19 actions taken by administration for the safety of Granby’s citizens and employees. They include the closure of town hall to foot traffic. All work is encouraged to be done online and through email. There is a locked box just inside the front door to drop off things for the Town Clerk, Building Department, the Assessor, and the Tax Collector.
Playgrounds are closed as well as playing fields. Park and Recreation has been hosting some programs online. Building inspections are done outside only.
The Library and Senior Center are closed to foot traffic as well and also have online programs.
Emergency Management Director Eric Vincent is working hard to get needed supplies.
It is hoped that incurred expenses will be reimbursed by FEMA. In order to minimize exposure, employee schedules at DPW, as well as town hall, are staggered. The Police Department has adopted new protocols for the constantly changing situation.
Kuhnly noted Granby is in a state of emergency and town boards and employees are trying their best to provide services and maintain social distancing. Stay home and stay safe. For questions or concerns, you may contact him at or contact the Town Manager’s office.
Ward reminded everyone that the budget adopted by the Board of Finance is on the town website. There is a special email address,, for citizens to leave comments or questions so they don’t have to wait until the meeting on April 13.
First Selectman Report
Kuhnly reported all dates in relation to the upcoming budget are on the town website under NEWS.
Budget Books for the Public Hearing are available at Town Hall by appointment and on-line starting at noon on April 6.
The Board of Finance Public Hearing will be held April 13 at 7 p.m. It is available to the public online via Zoom. Everyone is encouraged to log in and participate.
First Selectman Kuhnly recessed the meeting to Executive Session at 7:40 p.m.
Present: B. Scott Kuhnly, Glenn Ballard, Sally King, Mark Neumann, Edward Ohannessian, and John D. Ward, Town Manager. The purpose was to discuss leases and a personnel matter. The executive session adjourned at 8:22 p.m.
The regular meeting of the BOS was reconvened and was adjourned.
Respectfully submitted,
John D. Ward, Town Manager