The 70s: a decade that changed the world and our town

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What happened to Granby during the 1970s—that globally transformative decade now a half-century past? Its population exploded, it changed physically, it lost some farms, and it struggled with the forces of national and global influence. As a result, the Granby Drummer came into being as a forum and means of community communication and it has survived for 50 years as an all-volunteer publication. While the news it covers is local, that news was influenced and a part of the history unfolding globally.

A recap puts Granby and its responses in perspective: Two gas and energy crises drove worldwide crippling inflation that dramatically changed international economies and relations. The worst stock market in decades. Kent State. Consumer prices almost doubled, but average paychecks went from $9,350 to $17,550. The divisive war in Viet Nam ended. The Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty was signed by 43 nations. The 747 made its maiden flight. The 26th amendment lowered the voting age to 18. Walt Disney World opened. The Watergate scandal began. HBO was introduced. The Supreme Court decision on Roe v. Wade was handed down. Under threat of certain impeachment, President Nixon resigned. India became the sixth nuclear power. Jaws opened. Gates introduced Microsoft. Intel built the first microprocessor enabling the home computer. The microwave oven invaded the kitchen. Saturday Night Live debuted. Jobs and Wozniak created Apple Computer Co. NASA introduced the Enterprise. Jimmy Carter won. MRI was invented. Garfield debuted. The Camp David Accords were signed. A nuclear accident occurred at Three Mile Island. Sony introduced the Walkman. Ayatollah Khomeini returned to power in Iran. The Waltons ruled TV. Fashion was bright and eclectic — and its “look” is expected to appear on show runways and retail racks for the 2020 spring season! The ‘70s influence is still with us.

A compilation of “headline” news from the Drummer’s first four years follows. Interesting facts, events and milestones — and sometimes an ironic consistency — in the issues that come up as a town grows and matures.