Town of Granby Meeting Calendar

Check Town of Granby website or call Town Manager’s office to verify date and time, and get information on how to participate on Zoom, if needed.

It’s time to ban the intentional feeding of bears in Granby

I am writing in support of any ordinance that would allow the town to regulate the feeding of wildlife on private property. The town of Granby, as well as surrounding towns, continues to struggle with wildlife being habituated through the bear-feeding practices of private homeowners.

Thoughts from a young undecided voter

Independent political parties get a lot of bad press. Not enough turnout at the polls, underfunded campaigns, poorly planned policy agendas, and inconsistent platforms of “ideology.”

COVID-19 immunizations available at home

The Farmington Valley Health District, in conjunction with the Farmington Valley Visiting Nurse Association, will provide COVID-19 vaccinations to any individual 18 years old and up who is unable to attend public clinics.

Granby scouts earn silver awards

Granby Girl Scout Troop 66362 members Caroline Hall, Daisy Rzecinski, and Mackenzie Janski have earned their Silver Awards.