What’s your favorite HOLIDAY movie? Movies to get you in the Christmas Spirit

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By Jesse Stanhope

It’s Christmas Time! And what does that mean? You guessed it: Christmas movies. Christmas movies are the pinnacle of the Christmas spirit. You may be thinking, “What about family dinners and presents?” Let me ask you this: Has a Christmas movie ever started an all-out brawl over the last piece of ham? Or has a Christmas movie ever put you in the uncomfortable situation of receiving a gift you already own and struggling to be thankful—but internally mapping out when you can return the double? The answer to either of these questions is “maybe” for most people. I have no doubt forks have crossed while watching Elf. However, Soul Leavitt, a student at Granby Memorial High School, when asked “why are Christmas movies important?” replied, “They [Christmas movies] instill a sense of wonder in all watchers, allowing one to heighten the Christmas spirit or laugh at a not-so-perfect Christmas.”
When asked what their favorite Christmas movie is, many current and former GMHS students were avidly ready to share their thoughts on the matter. Here are just a few of the numerous responses: Home Alone (Chiara Alfarone and Angela D’Agata), The Polar Express (Melanie Williams and Einnon Timms), A House Without a Christmas Tree (Paige Stickel), and National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation (Collin Kaczka). Even the Granby high school teacher of film, Michele Dafgek, weighs in, stating, “I like the original, animated version of Dr. Seuss’ How the Grinch Stole Christmas and it just wouldn’t be Christmas without watching it with my family. Its message is timeless as the Grinch learns that Christmas ‘doesn’t come from a store. Maybe Christmas, perhaps—means a little bit more!’”
Through my interviews, I reached the conclusion that, whether the movie is a goodie, oldie, or newbie, the moral of a good Christmas tale transcends time and proves to be entertaining for any generation. Although one may prefer the remake rather than the first edition, or the black-and-white version over the colorized, it is the plot that keeps the tales alive. However, I believe that nothing else brings the Christmas spirit to life more than listening to the ghosts of Christmas past, present, and future in the timeless movie A Christmas Carol and the wisdom shared in It’s a Wonderful Life.